Category: Course Features

Human Anatomy & Physiology

How did fifth and sixth graders build their own metaphorical animal cells? by Paul Bruno Cell biology is often one of the most challenging topics in human anatomy & physiology.  While much of human anatomy involves the study of larger body systems that students find more familiar – like the digestive system – cell structure […]

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Extra-Terrestrial Trigonometry

How did elementary school students discover the sine, cosine and tangent? by Daniel Wolf-Root We live on a sphere (more or less), my students told me. If that’s the case, then how do we find the distance between two points on a sphere? After many students discovered a method for doing this along the surface of a sphere, Ryan […]

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First-Year Japanese

How did Secondary Division students play their way to learning a new language? by Junko Hosoi From Nina Gabelko: Junko Hosoi, long-time sensei of ATDP’s First-Year Japanese and architect of our current Japanese language and culture program, continually amazes me with the joyfulness of her teaching. Her approach to instruction comes under the rubric of […]

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Cognitive Neuroscience

How did high school students unlock the mysteries of the brain? by Paul Bulakowski Summer 2011 was the fourth continuous year ATDP has offered a neuroscience class, and the course has evolved and adapted each year to new knowledge as it develops. I proposed and developed the course as a means of mentoring advanced ATDP […]

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Vignettes from the Summer of ’09

Human Anatomy & Physiology (ED) Patty Holman and Paul Bruno We got up extra early one morning to pick up our specimens for the day: sheep hearts. Getting up early is never fun, but this time it was completely worth it. A couple of hours later the hearts were in the hands of be-gloved and […]

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