Inside this issue…
News & Announcements
- How to Get to Sesame Street: A San Francisco Counselor Finds Herself in Nigeria
- Bragging Rights: Christina Büchmann, Advanced Reading & Writing
- Unlikely Twins: Making Peer Effects Explicit
Inside ATDP Courses
- Take a Look at New Secondary Division Courses…
- …and New Elementary Division Classes in 2012
- Functioning First Graders
Teaching & Learning
Research at ATDP
- On “Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education”: An Interview with ATDP Faculty Director and Talent Development Researcher Frank Worrell
Adena E. Young
Interim Director
Frank C. Worrell
Faculty Director
Welcome to Volume 4, Issue 2 of our ATDP Community Newsletter.
From the Editor
For those of you who might remember me, my name is Nina Gabelko. I retired on October 1 as ATDP director. On November 1, Faculty Director Frank C. Worrell and Interim Director Adena Young asked me to serve as editor-in-chief of the ATDP Community Newsletter. As I’d been retired long enough, I’ve jumped at the opportunity to spend more time with you and with the program that I love.
—NHG, Ed.
Welcome, especially so if you’re reading our Community Newsletter for the first time. In this issue we have a good balance of human interest stories, amazing feats by students, a useful research report for those interested in gifted and talented education, and lots of practical news for those interested in attending ATDP 2012, both Elementary and Secondary Divisions.
Our hope is that each reader will find an article or more to be of particular interest. Our hope is that many readers—students, parents, recommending teachers, program instructors, and everyone else will find something worthy of their particular attention. We encourage you to make yourself a contributor to the ATDP community by submitting your own stories to “How’d They Do That” and “Bragging Rights” to highlight how you’ve built upon your ATDP learning and helped yourself, your child, or your students to reach higher than ever. Of equal importance, please share your thoughts on how ATDP research reports are or can be useful to you and ask questions of the community.
To encourage you further, with this issue, we are offering amazing prizes to winning submissions: 1st prize for a submission by a student or parent is an application fee waiver ($50; $20 off of the application fee for 2nd; $10 for 3rd. For teachers and others who participate, a Cal t-shirt each for the best two best submissions.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and send you our best wishes for a joyous holiday season.

Nina Hersch Gabelko
Editor, ATDP Community Newsletter