
Posts are listed below by date, or read our most recent community newsletter.

Reading Recs: Ages 8 to 12

Here are some books we recommend to you in order to demonstrate the topics and kinds of books that are the best fit, in general, for children from ages 8 to 12 years. The comments below are from ATDP members, other readers, or excerpted from Barnes & Noble online. Please check your local library and […]

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Reading Recs: Pre-School to Age 7

Here are some books we recommend to you in order to demonstrate the topics and kinds of books that are the best fit, in general, for children from pre-school age to 7 years. The comments below are from ATDP members, other readers, or excerpted from Barnes & Noble on-line. Please check your local library and […]

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Nina’s Reading Recommendations (continued…)

Since parents are not only the first teachers, but are also the ones who coach and coordinate their children’s learning from birth through (at least) the beginning of the university years, we hope to provide a framework for parents and their children to think broadly—to see how themes develop over time and become increasingly complex […]

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Nina’s Reading Recommendations

     We want to share a few of our favorite book titles with you. They are roughly organized by grade levels Pre-K to entering college. I have also included some links that you might find useful. All, including some of the very long lists, are intended to provide parents and students with an introduction to […]

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“Every Child’s Right” — An Insider’s Review

Dear ATDP student, parent or friend, If you are a student—whether still in high school, college or grad school—you’re surely looking forward to your life ahead, and the possible careers you might engage in given your skills, talents and interests. As you’ve been an ATDP student, I like to think that your experience with us […]

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Giving to ATDP

ATDP supporter Joyce Ng and her neighbors exchange dog-walking duties when they go on vacation and donate to ATDP the funds they would otherwise have paid a dog walker. It has come to hundreds of dollars over the years—and is also part of the reason that Joyce and her neighbors are so aerobically fit! As […]

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Bragging Rights

Please enjoy reading a few instructors’ remarks regarding their classes and their students. A note written by long-time Elementary Division instructor and Cal State East Bay professor Heather MacLeod to Nina that made it clear that we needed to share ATDP instructors’ words with you. Heather wrote: “May I brag about the parents of my […]

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Community Newsletter Vol. 1, I. 1

Dear ATDP students, parents, alumni, and friends, At ATDP we think of ourselves as a family. The program orientations held before each Division begins its session are our family reunions. But right about now, there isn’t any reason why we can’t get together (virtually) one more time before we start talking about 2009. The newsletter […]

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