In front of you appears a 5×5 grid of cells. When you reach out and touch a cell, it toggles itself along with its adjacent cells (above, below, right, and left). The cells toggle through 3 states: off, red, and green. So, if you touched cell C3 three times, it would look like this:

Here’s another example but with the lights starting in different states. When you touch C3 three times, it will toggle each cell appropriately.

The board does NOT wrap around, so only toggle the available adjacent cells. If you touch the cell E5 in the bottom right corner, it will only toggle itself and the cells above and to the left.
Now, 5 grids appear in front of you. In each grid, your goal is to turn off all cells. No board should require more than 15 touches. For your answer, provide a list, in order, of all your touches.
Each grid is worth 5pts. If you have trouble visualizing what’s going on, you can use this.