Applying for an Accelerated Core Math Course


Applying for an accelerated core math course

If you are interested in taking an accelerated mathematics course (i.e., Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Precalculus: marked with the symbol), please note the following admissions requirements:

  1. You must have a grade of A in your current mathematics class, and a strong academic profile overall.
  2. Generally speaking, you cannot repeat a math course you have already taken. It is possible to petition for an exception. Please include an explanation of your circumstances in your ATDP application as part of your Letter of Interest.
  3. Your Teacher Referral Form must be completed by your current mathematics teacher.
  4. You must take the diagnostic examination scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2025.

As noted above, acceptance and placement is conditional and only considered confirmed upon successful passing of the online diagnostic test. If you are unable to take the test on the date above, instructions will be emailed out shortly after for scheduling a date for a makeup test. Results will be posted online the week after testing.

Students who do not pass their placement test remain admitted to the program. We will work with these students to find a more suitable course placement. Please note that these additional admissions requirements pertain to students applying for accelerated mathematics courses only; they do not pertain to half-year equivalent math courses.

  • There is no diagnostic test for Foundations of Algebra.

The diagnostic test is for placement purposes only. Families may be informed of a total percentage score as it relates to placement criteria, but detailed results will not be available.

See also "Choosing a Math Course" under Types of Courses.