Spring 2021 Course Guide

Spring 2021 Courses

Online Student Guide



Key details

  • For alumni who attended ATDP in 2020 only, currently in grades 6 and up
  • Online classes meet Saturdays for 12 weeks, starting February 6
  • Greatly simplified application process
  • Rolling course placement decisions; apply no later than January 15


High school students walking through Sather Gate on the UC Berkeley campus

ATDP remains committed to its mission

We believe that our core mission—to enable all highly motivated and prepared students to pursue their academic passions through rigorous summer coursework in a community of like-minded peers—can still be achieved through remote instruction.


A group of students on the UC Berkeley campus

We want to preserve our vibrant community

ATDP courses aren't just about the curriculum. Every year, students come from far and wide to share their interests with one another, work in class together, and make new friends. In a time of social distancing, it is all the more important that we find ways to maintain students' opportunities for connection.


An ATDP instructor works on a math problem with a student

We continue to emphasize active and collaborative learning

We’ve always united teachers who are passionate about their subject with students who love to learn, and based on student feedback, it’s clear that our top priority should be preserving that interactive, collaborative nature of our classes. Spring 2021 class sessions will include a mix of live (“synchronous”) and self-directed (“asynchronous”) instruction and activity.



Same rigor, different schedule

We aim to provide the same academic challenge that students have come to expect every summer at ATDP, even though we won’t be able to meet on campus. We’ll be using Zoom, which is UC Berkeley’s officially supported remote instruction platform. (We know you might have questions about Zoom; see our FAQs below.) Enrolled students will be required to register and join video conferences on Zoom so that they can interact with their instructor and fellow students face-to-face.



Course Information

Our spring courses retain the same rigor and curricula as our summer courses. The primary difference is the timeline: see below.


Application window

Fri. December 18 - Fri. January 15

Course placement decisions

Rolling; no later than Fri. January 22

Enrollment deadline

Wed. January 27

Unpaid enrollees will be dropped from the course
No refunds for payments made after this date
Class meetings

Saturdays from February 6 to April 24 (12 weeks)

Times: 9:00am - 12:30pm unless otherwise noted
Synchronous schedules within the meeting time will vary by instructor (minimum 1 hour per meeting)


Course offerings

Click on each card below for course details and current availability.


Canceled classes

If you are placed in a class that is later canceled, you will be considered for any course you have already selected as an alternative or for which you are in the wait pool. Students who cannot be placed due to cancellations will be eligible to request a refund for the application processing fee.




Preparing for Class

Good study habits must begin even before the first class! Check off each item below as your spring at ATDP approaches.

  • Review this Student Guide
    You're doing it right now! Well done!

  • Apply as soon as you can; no later than January 15
    Because all families have attended previously, the application process is greatly simplified. This shorter application form is the only one you’ll need to complete; we’ve included all of our enrollment and policy agreements ahead of time.

  • Confirm enrollment no later than January 27
    Your course placement email will include instructors for making a tuition payment and confirming your course placement. Need to withdraw? See Withdrawal & Refunds.

  • Contact your school counselor or principal
    Optional. We recommend contacting a high school counselor or principal before the end of the school year if you wish to ask the school to list your ATDP class on its transcript.

  • Welcome & Orientation Online
    Recommended, optional. We will be organizing a smaller version of our summer orientation program to welcome returning students and families to our first-ever spring program, to provide updates, and to answer questions. We’re still working out the details, so please look for those in a forthcoming email update!

  • Get your computer ready
    Unlike summer 2020, Zoom meetings at UC Berkeley now require participants to join with any registered Zoom account. You can sign up for free here. (Parents of younger students should create their own account to share with their child under their supervision.) Also, review our Tech Checklist to ensure your home setup is ready for live class meetings.

  • Review the Orientation Letter from your instructor
    By January 28, you will receive an email containing the Letter from Your Instructor, which usually includes one or more assignments due on the first day of class. This letter may also include any updates about the synchronous class schedule, textbooks, required supplies or software.

  • Purchase textbooks and supplies
    Some teachers may require their students to buy textbooks, a course reader, or other items specified in a supply list. Details about textbooks, readers, or supplies will be provided via email by the January 22 notification date.

  • Complete your first assignment before the start of class
    ATDP courses move fast and expectations are high! Expect to receive one or more assignments from your instructor that will be due by your first day of class, February 6.



Documenting coursework

By the end of May, you will receive a final evaluation from your instructor including your course grade and a narrative evaluation. The course will be added to your ATDP Cumulative Educational Record, which may be reported on the UC/CSU application. You can review details about our recommendation of high school credit and our UC A-G approved courses in our 2020 Secondary Division guide.



Policies & Procedures


Tuition Payment

Follow the instructions provided in your course placement email. We accept credit card payment and check or money order payment by arrangement. Mailed payments may take much longer than usual to process this year since we cannot receive mail at our office in the usual way. For this reason we strongly recommend that you pay via credit card. If you would prefer to pay via check or money order please contact us by email at atdpoffice@berkeley.edu.


Financial Aid

To request financial aid, check the corresponding box on your application form. Decisions and amounts awarded will be contingent on enrollment and budgetary considerations. Awards, if available, may cover only a portion of the total tuition fee.

Requests for financial aid will be considered based on the family’s previous financial aid decisions at ATDP. If your financial situation has changed since your previous application, you may submit any supporting documents, such as pay stubs, unemployment verification, layoff notices, etc. We strongly recommend that you redact (black out) any sensitive information, such as social security numbers. Email to atdpoffice@berkeley.edu. You may fax documents to 510-642-0510, but please also notify us via email so we know to retrieve your fax from our office.

Regardless of financial aid decisions, all families need to submit any tuition balance by January 27, 2021.


Requesting a Course Change

Due to the short timeline of our Spring application process, we are unable to accommodate requests for course changes.


Withdrawals & Refunds

Due to the compressed application timeline, tuition payments are not refundable after January 27, the enrollment deadline. Families who confirm their students enrollment in the offered course by paying tuition are committing to attend. Families who do not submit a tuition payment by the January 27 deadline will be dropped from their course.

Please make every effort to ensure your ability and willingness to attend before confirming enrollment. If your circumstances change and you need to withdraw after confirming your enrollment, please contact atdpoffice@berkeley.edu immediately to let us know about your situation.


Live online class meetings

All students will attend online meetings via the Zoom video-conferencing platform. Students will abide by all ATDP policies, including those regarding behavior, academic integrity, and attendance (see below) no differently than if attending an in-person class. Students who anticipate any problems in meeting the technology requirements of online class meetings must inform ATDP as soon as possible. (List these in the 'Concerns' section of your application.)

Technology malfunctions or other difficulties that prevent full participation in class may constitute an absence and are not the responsibility of ATDP. Even provided good faith efforts on the part of the student and of ATDP to resolve technical issues, missing too much live class time may affect the student’s grade, affect eligibility for a recommendation of credit, or result in dismissal from the program without refund.


Attendance policy

Missing too much class time for any reason may result in dismissal from the program without refund. There are no excused absences at ATDP. As expectations are high and courses are fast-paced, even one absence makes it difficult to keep pace; students are expected to attend every live online class meeting. Even in the case of unanticipated circumstances, there are some things that cannot be "made up" (such as introductions, class participation, group activities, etc). Students cannot miss the first two days of class.

Students who miss class time may not be eligible for a recommendation of credit and may not receive a final evaluation. Attendance decisions are not related to whether the student is taking the class for a possible recommendation of credit. Attending every class does not guarantee that a student will be recommended credit.

Anticipated attendance conflicts

All matters affecting regular attendance—absence, coming late, or leaving early—must be communicated in writing to the ATDP main office (not the instructor) by the parent/guardian (not the student). If there are special circumstances that will affect a student's ability to attend every live online class meeting please contact the program office in writing as soon as possible (you may use the 'Concerns' section of your application form). Anticipated absences not addressed prior to the Jan. 27 enrollment deadline will not be accommodated.

Unanticipated attendance issues

If there is an unexpected absence (e.g., illness, emergencies)—including leaving before the end of the class meeting—the parent or guardian must contact the ATDP main office. Please note that unlike the regular school year, there are no excused absences at ATDP.


Students must be on time to live online class meetings, and are expected to be ready to begin class exactly on time. Students who are tardy twice accrue an absence. Students who are tardy a third time may be dismissed from the program without refund.


Code of Conduct
Academic Integrity

ATDP requires a high level of responsibility and academic honesty from its students. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to dismissal from ATDP without refund.


Inappropriate/unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to behavior that disrupts instruction, disrespects any member of the ATDP community, misuses technology used for instruction, or exhibits uncivil behavior. Any student who commits an act of inappropriate conduct, or whose family member commits such acts while interacting with ATDP staff, faculty or students, is subject to dismissal from ATDP without refund.


Conditions of Enrollment

Parents or guardians of attending students must inform ATDP of any special circumstances or potential conflicts that may affect the student's ability to attend live online class meetings, complete coursework, or abide by behavioral standards required by the Program. (List these in the 'Concerns' section on your application.) In the event of a conflict with these policies, ATDP reserves the right to dismiss students from the program without refund and to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis.


Because participation at ATDP is voluntary, the University requires parents/guardians of participating minors to agree to the following releases and waivers:

  • Photo and Video Release
    I authorize the UC Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program and its officers, agents, or employees (hereafter referred to as “ATDP”) to photograph, record, film, or videotape my child. I understand that any photograph, sound recording, motion picture, or video taken of my child under this assignment is for the purpose of collecting and/or representing factual information in the interest of serving the University of California's mission of research, education, and public service, and for promoting the public good. I release the University, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of said photographs, sound recordings, motion pictures, or videos, including but not limited to any and all claims for invasion of privacy, defamation, or infringement of copyright.
  • Waiver of Liability
    I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives or assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue The Regents of the University officers, employees, and agents from liability from any and all claims including the negligence of The Regents of the University of California, its officers, employees and agents, personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in ATDP classes and activities.


Our Mission
Research participation

ATDP has a responsibility to conduct research that contributes new knowledge that leads to growth and improvement in our understanding of how academically talented students learn and how they can be better served. We ask our students and their families to assist in this effort by contributing between 1 and 3 hours per year to participating in this research. However, opting not to participate in research will in no way affect admission into the program. Before a student can participate in a study, ATDP gives detailed information about it to the student and his or her parent(s) and obtains their informed consent in writing.


The University of California, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices; nor does the University discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, University programs and activities including but not limited to academic admissions, financial aid, educational services, and student employment.





I've heard Zoom isn't secure. Why are you using it for online classes instead of some other platform?

Zoom is UC Berkeley’s officially supported remote instruction platform. We’ve paid very close attention to reports of security issues with Zoom at other schools (such as “Zoom-bombing”), and we promote best security practices. Unlike summer 2020, Zoom meetings at UC Berkeley now require participants to join with any registered Zoom account. You can sign up for free here. (Parents of younger students should create their own account to share with their child under their supervision.)

What if I don't have the minimum technology required for live online class meetings?

If you anticipate having a lack of technology or technical problems, be sure to discuss it in the "Concerns" section of your online application. We will work with families on a case-by-case basis to see if any accommodations can be made. Note that there are some courses—such as Public Speaking on the Digital Frontier—where students will absolutely need to actively participate in live, face-to-face meetings over Zoom.


Fees & costs
Why aren't your fees being lowered? An online course is cheaper to run than an in-person course, isn't it?

That’s actually a common misconception. When you account for the large amount of curriculum planning and adaptation, online infrastructure, and technical training and testing, running an online course easily matches the cost of running it in-person. ATDP staff and faculty will be working many extra hours to ensure we maintain the value of our courses and continue to offer instruction of the highest quality.

It is also important to know that ATDP is self-supporting, funded entirely by paying families. We receive no funding from campus or from external grants.

My financial situation has changed significantly due to COVID-19. Can I still apply for financial aid?

To request financial aid, check the corresponding box on your application form. Decisions and amounts awarded will be contingent on enrollment and budgetary considerations. Awards, if available, may cover only a portion of the total tuition fee. Requests for financial aid will be considered based on the family’s previous financial aid decisions at ATDP. If your financial situation has changed since your previous application, you may submit any supporting documents, such as pay stubs, unemployment verification, layoff notices, etc. We strongly recommend that you redact (black out) any sensitive information, such as social security numbers. Email to atdpoffice@berkeley.edu. You may fax documents to 510-642-0510, but please also notify us via email so we know to retrieve your fax from our office.

Do I need to buy supplies/textbooks?

As in previous years, some classes include a supply list and/or textbooks that families need to purchase (these are not included with tuition).


Class schedule
Do I need to be at my computer for the full 3.5 hours of class each day it meets?

Instructors will be holding live (“synchronous”) class meetings for a minimum of one hour for every three hours of scheduled instructional time, but meetings may be longer depending on the course. Your time in front of a screen will vary depending on your instructor’s lesson plans, and each class meeting will involve a mix of live (“synchronous”) and independent (“asynchronous”) activity. We are strongly recommending that teachers and students limit continuous blocks of screen time, working in a variety of learning activities and breaks. Instructors may also offer more flexible face-to-face meetings such as office hours or small group meetings outside of scheduled class time.

Can I take a second class?

No. During the spring term, students may only enroll in one course.

Can I take the whole class asynchronously?

No. ATDP still maintains a strict attendance policy, and this applies to all of our courses’ live online class meetings. If you anticipate not being able to attend the online meetings, you will not be able to attend the program.


Grading & credit
Will I receive a grade?

ATDP’s grading scheme remains the same as in previous years. Students can achieve grades in the A or B range with a recommendation of high school credit. Students below a B will be assigned a grade of Pass or No Pass, and will not receive a recommendation of credit.

Will I receive high school credit?

It is up to your high school or school district to agree to grant credit for an ATDP course. Policies vary, so you should speak with your high school counselor or principal if you want your course to count towards high school graduation requirements.

Are your online courses still A-G approved?

Yes! The University of California has indicated that previously approved courses being temporarily adapted for online delivery due to the COVID pandemic will remain approved.